Action A4.3 Developing a participatory platform of land and fire planners for large wild fire spread risk reduction.

Description: The aim of this action is to build a set of permanent participatory “lessons-learned” and a knowledge base platform amongst fire planners and landscape planners. Learning processes and changes in policies related with fire prevention and extinction are usually strongly related with the degree of experience of actual fire events. At an EU level, such a platform aimed at knowledge exchange should be able to share the experiences gained between regions and between professional target groups. Due to the relevant role played by fuel distribution in wildfire hazard, fire extinction and more globally in fire behaviour and emergency management, the fuel arrangement on the landscape is linked directly to the potential of high intensity fires. This makes it necessary to create spaces where actors in land planning and fire management are able to share their experiences and “lessons-learned”. The platform will have regional but also a cross-national interest, looking at transferring expertise and experiences from the most “experienced” countries to others with less experience but with an increasing fire risk in the current climate change context (and also in regard to ‘land abandonment/de-agriculturalisation’).

Expected results: Creation of a database of experts. Creation of a permanent knowledge base platform for land and fire planners at EU level.

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